UNIT 6 ADMISSION A 45 old female came to casualty with COMPLAINTS OF 1.Fever since 4 days 2.Vomitings since 4 days 3.Loose stools since 4 days Patient was apparently asymptomatic 4 days back 1.FEVER Was low grade,intermittent not associated with chills & rigors 2.VOMITINGS -5 to 6 episodes/day,non bilious non projectile,food/water as content 3.LOOSE STOOLS -2 to 3/day,watery in consistency,no blood/mucous in stools associated with abdominal discomfort - pt had h/o intermittent high colored urine(she described as red) -SOB intermittently since 1 month associated with orthopnea PAST HISTORY Pt was apparently asymptomatic 3 yrs back,then pt had - Pain in B/L knee - 3 yrs causing unable to walk properly for which she used to take NSAIDS for severe pain - 2 MONTHS BACK: She slipped from staircase,had fracture of Rt tibia & underwent surgery 1 month back in a hospital in nalgonda & also got diagnosed to be diabetic .since...