Unit 6 admission A 30 yr old female, resident of miryalguda & farmer by occupation. came to casualty with COMPLAINTS OF 1. Fever since 3 days 2. Vomitings since 3 days 3. Head ache since 3 days 4. Legs pain since 3 days 5. Stomach pain since 3 days HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: 1.FEVER : - Low grade, intermittent associated with chills & rigors, increased during nights & relieved with medications 2.VOMITINGS : - 3 - 4 episodes/ day - occurs after food intake,non projectile,non bilious, food as content 3.HEAD ACHE : - Gradual onset,pricking type on both frontal region,increased after vomitings 4.LEGS PAIN : - Bilateral legs pain till hip,gradual onset,dragging type, associated & increased with fever spikes 5. STOMACH PAIN : - Diffuse type, gradual onset & increased after vomitings NEGATIVE HISTORY: - no h/o loose stools,burning mictiration PAST HISTORY: - Got admitted in a local hospital near miryalguda 2 days back for fever complaints ...